Dr. Esha Niyogi De has published a new, single-authored monograph, Women's Transborder Cinema: Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia, available on University of Illinois Press' website.
Dr. Paul Edleman (Sauk Valley Community College), Prof. Farah Habib (Bristol Community College), and Dr. Robert Soza (Mesa Community College) facilitated an AIPS-sponsored workshop titled “Inter-Disciplinary Integration of Social Science & Humanities in Pedagogy and Curriculum Development at Skills Building Educational Institutions.
This professional development initiative brought together US and Pakistan-based community college, skills college, and university faculty to develop pedagogy and curriculum aimed at integrating national and experiential understandings unique to how the faculty and students, both in Pakistan and the US, engage the humanities and social sciences. Faculty from both countries worked together to develop curricula that challenge assumptions about Pakistan and the US. This expands the field of Pakistan studies beyond research to include discussions on classroom resources and teaching techniques relevant to community college and skills college level faculty. The workshop and post-workshop meetings with skills colleges in Pakistan will contribute to a growing linkage between Pakistan and the US beyond the traditional university institutions in both nations.
The 11 participants from Pakistan gave positive feedback on the workshop:
“It was a fruitful workshop. I hope to introduce the course to my students and would really like students both from America and Pakistan to engage with each other.”
“I was looking forward to this workshop for weeks, and it exceeded my expectations! I was really happy that even with having some experience in design and communication, I learned a lot from the workshop.”
“It was well organized event and it had helped to learn different things from the trainers as well as from the diverse group of participants.”
Thanks to all who facilitated and participated in this successful program!
*The Community College Collaborative Workshop was funded by a Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) grant.